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We have an online booking system with Bookwhen.
You are in control of your class bookings and can book in whenever you like (subject to availability).
You can set up an account or use the guest checkout, easy peasy!
The online booking system are for our adult’s classes only.
Vouchers are now available, CLICK HERE to get the perfect gift for someone.
Pole Dancing
Pole dancing is a great way to keep fit and increase your confidence! You will learn how to dance, spin and eventually perform tricks inverted (upside down) on the pole, once you have mastered the basics. Anyone can give pole dancing a go: any shape, any size, any level. Emily’s Pole Fitness will help you to increase your strength, flexibility and confidence, so you can reach your full potential on the pole.
We have classes for all levels running in the evenings from Monday to Wednesday.
Aerial Hoop
Aerial hoop is a circus art form, also known as lyra. A steel hoop is suspended in the air, and one or more artists perform aerial acrobatics and gymnastic-style moves on it. You will be amazed at the things you will learn in the air on an aerial hoop and will eventually be able to start linking poses together to create your own routines. It is suitable for all levels.
Aerial hoop classes run weekly on Thursdays.
Aerial Silks
Aerial silks is another circus art form, also known as tissu. Aerial acrobatics are performed by one or more artists wrapping themselves in and hanging from two strands of suspended fabric. You will learn the basics of aerial silks, beginning with creating beautiful poses and climbing, and building up to inverting.
Our aerial silks classes are back from January 2025, yay! Classes will run as 4 week courses and the next course starts on Wednesday 8th January.
Kids’ Aerial Classes
Aerial hoop and aerial silks are a great work out for kids! It challenges their co-ordination and focus as well as developing strength and flexibility, all while letting them climb and hang upside down just like circus performers! All of our instructors are fully qualified and insured to teach aerial hoop and aerial silks to children, as well as having first aid and up to date Enhanced DBS certificates. Classes are available on Friday evenings for children aged 8 – 15 years old.